News articles

Articles and information from Euroflam and the textile industry.

A Difficult Yarn

Polypropylene along with Acetate is almost impossible to treat.

Polypropylene and Acetate are both very heat sensitive at temperatures much lower than those we need to use for both drying and curing our treatments. They both 'shrink' and 'stiffen' beyond use and, in addition, the FR results are also difficult to achieve.

Unfortunately, we have already had some orders with Polypropylene in the blend with these unfortunate results. These fabrics had either not been highlighted as containing Polypropylene or were described as 'Polyester' which in nearly all cases can be treated.

We would therefore request that any fabric containing either of these two yarns is not sent for treatment of any type. We cannot be held responsible if any unmarked fabrics are received without the appropriate yarn content information, and are subsequently treated.

Should any customer require further details or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.